Frequently Asked Questions.

UPDATED April 2024

What Type Of Shoot Do I Need?

STYLE 1 - On Site Studio Photography on a colour theme of your choice.

Perfect For high volume menu item shots, dark kitchens

Pictures are compatible with food platforms, social media, website etc

STYLE 2 - On Site Studio photography using your interior

Perfect for social media, makes your images more personal as the customers can see your dine in environment through the images we create.

Please note although these images are perfect for social media engagement they are not always compatible for the food platforms.

STYLE 3- On/Off Site Lifestyle photography using a model

Why not add a zest of fun in your images by using a model?

These images offer the ultimate engagment and likes on social media, we take a range of photos using different elements of the model by using there face , hands etc to bring your photos to life.

Please note these photos are only compatible on social media only & extra charges apply to hire a model

Style 1 - On Site Studio Photography based on a colour theme of your choice.

The First is On Site Studio Photography based on a colour theme of your choice, This style of shooting is generally very popular if you are doing photography for the first time or are a new business. We recommend this style if you are doing a menu shoot, as it meets the rules and regulations of the food platforms.

Please see below examples of this style on different coloured backdrops

As you can see on the above we have single item shots , which are clear and stand out , pictures like these will give you a competitive edge on the food platforms, and make sure customers click your images which in return leads to increased sales online.

This style is also perfect for menu shoots, as all the pictures are uniform and are generally taken from the same angle, so it means we can get through a lot of menu items on the shoot day. However please note its not always possible to do full menu shoots on 1 day, it depends on the size of your menu and the speed your kitchen can make the food to a high standard, also if you want food styling assistance then this will further slow down the food making process( Please enquire when making the booking) an alternative option is to do a selective menu shoot, which means rather than shooting every single product, we shoot a few from each product category then move onto the next item.

( Please note, we recommend this style if you are doing your first shoot )

If you want to stay neutral we also offer our classic black photography and classic grey / white. These photos are timeless and will serve you for many years to come, if you change you branding or colour theme in the future then these photos will still be valid as they are shot on a neutral background.

Also why not make your food menu items more personal by adding a custom touch of your branding, we love using grease proof paper and custom packaging to make your images stand out, if you are still deciding or waiting for your packaging to be delivered, we recommend waiting until your packaging arrives before doing your photoshoot.

Style 2 - On Site Studio Photography based on your shop Interior and design

Finally in order to stand out on the food platform why dont you let us help you create the perfect header cover, we will collectively pick out the best menu dishes and place them using our styling knowledge to give your photos a competitive edge.

The second type of shoot we offer is On Site Studio Photography based on your shop interior and design, This style of shooting is very popular if you are looking for content for social media as it invites the viewer to view the food in your restaurant environment

Please see below examples of this style on different shop interiors that we have used.

As you can see how the above photos by using the shop interior, are more engaging and invite the viewer to see elements of your shop. These photos are perfect to increase like’s and follows for social media.

Please note these photos are not suitable for dark kitchen’s as they generally dont have a dine in area, in some instances photos like the above also do not meet the food platform requirements so may be rejected, finally we only recommend this style if you have a large dine in area, with good seating, tables and branding, as this allows us to get the best photos.

We only recommend the above style for when you refresh your content, and doing a partial menu shoot , although it is possible to do coloured backdrop photograhy and interior lifestyle together, it is advised that you have a preference , do you want to get through as many items as possible ? if so we recommend coloured backdrop photography only, as for the above style placing food items in different areas of your shop takes time etc, in return you end up getting through less food items on your menu.

The third type of shoot we offer is On Site Studio Photography by using a model, create the ultimate engagement by using a model , this type of shoot brings alot fun and energy into the photo sessions and we capture it all to help increase engagement for your social media platforms

Style 3 - On Site Lifestyle photography using a model

As you can see from the above, the photos are more fun and bring a sense of personality to your brand. A range of shop interiors will be used to create pictures using the models, we fully direct everything to ensure we get the best photos.

To get photos like these we advise you have an appealing looking shop / restaurant with good interior and space, ideally good branded packaging to elevate your brand values, photos like these can generally only be used on social media but not on food platforms.

Please Note, extra costings will be incurred in order to hire a model, when using a model we only recommend doing a lifestyle model shoot and not mixing in any of the above styles as this can further complicate a shoot. If you are unsure about anything please let us know.

We Hope this FAQ section has made it easier for you to understand to allow you to make a decision as to which type of photography you want. If you have any other bespoke requirement please let us know.

Quotes and Price

Please note once we quote you, The price and date are only held for 48 hours.

If you do not pay your deposit to secure the date, you will have to re enquire to get a new quote.

We reserve the right to change our prices at any time.


Please note the shooting date is only secured once a deposit has been paid, text messages, phone calls, Emails do not constitute a confirmed booking until the deposit has been paid.

Once a date has been offered to you, you have 48 hours to pay the deposit after which the dates will be released to the next client in my waiting list.

A deposit will be 50% of the price quoted for the shoot

Please Note All Deposits Are Now Non-Refundable


Please note I take payment in 2 stages, first is the deposit stage, this secures your shoot date.

The 2nd payment is due on the day we finish shooting, this will then cover editing charges for the time required after the shoot to edit your photos / video to the high standard.

This can either be paid via the remaining invoice or cash on the day.

Please note I require both payments before I start editing.

Failure to make both payments we will Not start the editing process and your project will be delayed.

Cancellation / Changes Fees

Whilst we like to work with our clients and understand issues can happen, we are willing to accommodate up to 1 date changes subject to the below

In the unlikely event that you need to change your shoot date you must let us know 4 days prior to your shoot date, so it gives us enough time to book another client. You will be offered our next available shoot date.

If you let us know within 4 days of your shoot, you will lose your deposit and another deposit will be required if you are to re book with us again.

If you change your shoot date more than once you will lose your deposit and for the 2nd date change a new deposit will be required.

If you cancel the shoot completely you will lose your deposit, this is to cover the time spent on pre planning.

Address and Location

Please note if you are a franchise or have multiple outlets, it is important you give us the address at the time you pay your deposit and not the night before we travel, the is to ensure we travel to the correct address and can start your shoot on time.

Also for the photoshoot it is advised you choose the shop that has the most space, the more space we have the more freedom we have for our photography to get more variety of shots.

Pre Planning

Please send us your PDF menus or website links so we can check to see what food you have to offer

Please send us any inspiration either from my account / website or anything else that you might have seen online.

This will allow us to create a mood board from our side so we can understand the vision you want to go for in terms of branding and look etc.

Any specific sizing measurements for pictures or videos need to be clarified at this point, if you are unsure you can speak to your graphics designer, website team etc.

Please note the more information you provide us with the easier it will be for us to match your vision.

Preparation Required Before The Day

Please provide parking and address instructions so we can work out logistics

On most occasions we are coming out of town and don’t know the area very well, we would appreciate if clear instructions can be given for parking, ideally on site parking would be appreciated as we have a lot of heavy gear to carry.

Please ensure you are fully stocked up and your shop is clean and tidy

Please ensure you have all the best and fresh ingredients to cook your food

Ensure you have enough branded bags, cups, stickers, grease proof paper etc

Please ensure your staff have all the branded uniforms and are looking clean and tidy.

Long sleeves are preferred as nobody likes to see hairy arms.

Black Gloves always look better on video, please try to see if you can get some

On The Day

Please note once we arrive, depending on the size of the shoot it can take approx. 15-30 mins to set up our photography gear, once everything is setup, we will do some initial testing on 1-2 products to ensure the lighting and composition is perfect, once the testing is done we will then move onto the main products and start the shoot.

I would strongly advise all the involved party’s (Management, Social Media Team, Website/ Graphics Design Member etc ) to be present on the shoot, so you can then see in real time  how your shoot is progressing and make changes on the day if required.

If you cannot stay for the majority of the shoot, at least come to have a look briefly to see the images we are creating for your brand

If you cannot attend at all, please advise the staff members that we are coming and for the them to accommodate our needs and requirements in order to create a successful shoot.

Also please note we do request photos of your premises prior to the shoot so we can plan in advance the best area to shoot in your shop / restaurant

We generally require a working space of around 3M By 3M as a minimum due to our lighting taking a lot space ideally in a quite spot in the shop or the least busiest.

Whilst on most occasions we are generally ok working in our own space whilst the shop is open serving customers, sometimes if the shop gets too busy then this can cause a few issues.

So to help alleviate this situation please see below

If you get to busy and cannot accommodate this space there are a few options you can consider

1)      Do your photography before you open the shop (subject to us being available at that time)

2)      Delay your shop opening until the photography is completed

3)      Close early and start your photography session (subject to us being available at that time)

4)      Do not open your shop on shoot day

Please note if you have a small premises and still want to shoot whilst the shop is open and we are surrounded by customers etc this may impact the quality of photography and No refunds will be given in this instance if you are not happy with the outcome of your photos.

Please note you should have a minimum of 1 dedicated staff member solely making food for us, this is in order to speed up workflow, if you cannot do this and all your staff members are busy making food for the customers, this will then impact your photoshoot as we wont be able to get through as many items within the timeframe stated for the photoshoot. If you would like us to stay extra then extra charges will be apply at a cost of £75ph past the shooting time stated.

Please note on the day flash photography will be used, if you are open some customers may have a reaction to light, so it is important to tell them that photography is going on, and you may want to seat them away from where we are working so they are not affected by the light.

Half Day Shoots

Please note we only offer half day shoots for anyone within a 25 mile radius from Bolton

Please note a half day shoot will last between 3.5- 4 Hours, it is essential your staff are briefed in advanced and that you take your shoot seriously.

We cannot be waiting 1 hour for a burger/food to arrive, which has happened in the past. Please note the slower you make the food the less photos you will get and we cannot be held responsible if you are not happy with the volume of photos supplied.

Realistically we aim to shoot 1 food item every 5-10 mins depending on the complexity of the food item.

Please make sure you have all the ingredients ready and prepped in advance and that you are not running to the shops to buy ingredients whilst we wait, this will eat into your time and you will receive less photos as a result of this action.

Please make sure your staff turn up to the shop before us so the grills are ready and that everything is prepped to a high standard prior to us arriving.


Full Day / Full Menu Shoots

 A Full Day Shoot is from 7- 7.5 Hours

Please note full menu shoots depending on how big your menu is, generally cannot be done in 1 full day if you want the pictures to a high standard. The speed of the shoot generally depends on how fast your kitchen staff can prepare the food to the high standard required.

We aim to shoot 1 food item from multiple angles for around 5-10 mins if no food styling is involved. If food styling is involved then it may take longer to make each food item.

Please note we like to work methodically when shooting, this means rather than jumping from all over the menu we shoot in categories, for example, Burgers first, then sides, then drinks, then desserts etc, this is because each food item has a different lighting requirement.

Please understand that if your menu doesn’t get completed in 1 shoot, then you may have to book a 2nd shoot at an additional cost. A day rate might be offered for those wanting to book multiple shoots.

New Builds

If you are a new build looking to book my services, I would strongly urge you to wait until your shop is fully completed and new equipment tested, in the past customers have pre booked me only to find out on the day the gas supply isn’t working or the electrics have tripped.

Please carry out all these checks before booking my services otherwise you may loose your deposit in the event if you book the shoot and then your shop isn’t ready because your builder has let you down.

Once you are happy that the builders have completed your shop to the standard that you require and that everything is working, please feel free to enquire about my availability

Time and Breaks

We generally shoot half and full day rates only.

Half day shoots up to 3.5 - 4 Hours including set up time

Full Day Shoots are between 7 – 7.5 Hours

On some rare occasions we may get done sooner

Please note on full day shoots me and my team require a meal break after 3.5 hours, this is to ensure we can work to a high standard with full concentration, the time taken during the meal break will be added onto the end of the shoot so you get your full time for the shoot booked.

Launch Day Videography

Please note on the launch day events we capture natural interactions of the customers and staff

There is no specific time required for us to stay, however we will stay until we are happy that we have all the shots required to make a 1 min / 30 sec promo depending on what you have gone for.

There is no requirement for us to stay 4-7 hours to shoot a 1 min promo.

You are paying for the quality we provide not the amount of hours we stay for launch openings,

As the longer we stay the more repetitive the footage becomes.


Travel / Parking

Please note we only travel within the North West Area, however based on our availability we do sometimes go further than this,

If we have agreed to book your shoot, the following travel expenses will apply

0.45p per mile in Fuel Charges to be paid before we travel

Anything over 100 miles, hotel and accommodation may need to be provided for 2 staff, this will be discussed beforehand if required

Please note any expenses incurred for parking will be added onto the invoice, please provide us on site parking where possible.


Once we have sent your photos or videos, please check them ASAP, on the whole, majority of our customers are happy with the work however on the rare occasion sometimes a few changes are required to get them to your liking

We offer upto 2 changes within the price for editing only after which extra charges will be incurred.

Please be specific of what you want to change, i.e colour / music etc. Please note you are welcome to send your own music so we can add into your video subject to copyright laws etc,

All changes will be made within 5-7 working days.


Copyright / Advertising

Please note we hold the copyright of all our photos anywhere in the world and we reserve the right to use the images and videos created for promotional work on our own website and social media channels at any time. If you are launching a product or service we will wait to schedule our post with your timings for a maximum time of upto 6 months after which we will release your photos or videos.

Promoting and BTS

Please note on the day we create a behind the scenes of all the shoots that we do and release this at a later date to help further promote your brand and ours, we show within reason what we get upto on the day along with the results of the photos we have created. If you have any objection to this please let us know.

Please note we dont generally favour brands who do not let us post our work.


Please allow us 7-10 working days to complete your work to a high standard, if you require a faster service we maybe able to offer you a Rush Service subject to our availability at the time however this will be at a extra cost of £150.

We generally delivery our work via an online cloud link, this will be a safe place to store your photos and will be accessible on your apple and android phones as well as tablets and laptops.

Last Part Is only Applicable if you are coming to us via Agency


Please note if you are an agency who want to use our services please see our terms below.

We reserve the right to use the photos on our social media channels but you will be tagged as the brand agency.

If you want full white labelled right a cost of £550 will be applicable once paid we you will have full rights of the photos and we will not use them in any way shape or form.

If a client does come to us in the future and you are still there managing agency we will refer the client back to you, the client can only come to us through yourselves.

If you are no longer looking after that client and they come to us then we may honour the service they require, however a phone call will be made to yourselves to ensure the client is not under any contract by yourselves etc prior to taking any work on.

Any models etc must be managed though yourselves we only manage the photography side of things.

Transport for models must be arranged by yourselves as well as payment

If you have any ideas that you want to direct, please ensure your story board is shared with the client first, once the client is happy then contact us to record your ideas.

Please note if your idea or concept is poor and then this reflects in the video, we will not be held responsible as the original idea came from yourselves.

As an agency you are responsible for bringing all the props required for the shoot as well as booking any locations required for the shoot etc.